

Assignment Prompt, Handouts and Definitions of Terms



Tips for  Assignment 2

  1. Identify the strategy and make a case for your interpretation – provide evidence and/or examples, including textual evidence (a quotation or two). 
  2. Explain HOW the strategy supports or the claim
  3. Explain WHY the author uses this strategy and how it is intended to persuade, or influence the audience (remember that the audience may include people like you).
  4. Explain the EFFECTS the strategy is likely to have
  5. [For one of the strategies] Evaluate the EFFECTIVENESS of the strategy – what strengths or weaknesses can you identify?


Language, Social Construction & Rhetorical Strategies



Constructing eCigs




1. What strategic choices do you see in the way evidence is selected, sequenced (organized), represented and presented to the reader?  

2. What is weakest strategic use of evidence? (relative effectiveness). Think also of STAR (sufficiency, typicality, accuracy, relevance).  


Peer Review



Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"


Responses, Extensions & Challenges to Carr